Deprecated version. Use v4+ official docs.

# Migration guide

  • 2.0+ Introduced plugin system, grouping, sorting and filtering.
  • 3.0+ Breaking changes introduced:
    • Removed viewport component, this extra layer was redundant;
    • Changed classes to complex names in order to support bootstrap and other libraries:
      • row -> rgRow;
      • col -> rgCol;
      • data-cell -> rgCell;
      • data-header-cell -> rgHeaderCell;
    • All methods migrated to lowercase in order to support the modern approach of event naming. It means events name migration: afterEdit -> afteredit for all events. Check api for details;
    • Added pure esm modules support in order to use the grid in all modern frontend tooling like vitejs, parcel etc, now you can import custom-elements without lazy loading, just keep in mind you are responsible for polifills.